[bfdmedia] Injured firefighter benefit

On November 28th, 2014 Bath had a working structure fire and called in mutual aid departments to help extinguish the fully engulfed home. Nathan Buckley also known as Scooter responded with the Hammondsport Volunteer Fire Department. While working the fire, one whole exterior side wall fell on top of him slamming and pinning him to the ground. Fellow firefighters ran to his rescue and he was airlifted to Strong Memorial in Rochester. Nathan is home now but suffered injuries to his neck, back and knees and has undergone surgeries for his injuries and is currently going through physical therapy but is doing well. Fire departments and volunteers from around the area are putting on a Spaghetti Dinner for him and his family and will be hosted by the Bath Volunteer Fire Department at 50 East Morris Street this Saturday March 7th from 1pm to 6pm. Tickets will be sold at the door for $8.00 each and take outs will be available. There will also be a Bake Sale and Raffles during the event. Any questions about donations or monetary donations can be addressed to: Rebecca Conrad at (607)661-3172, email rebecca@buffalo.edu OR Bath Fire Chief Joe Washburn (607)776-6909 Flyer attached pdf icon Buckley-benefit.pdf